Clumsy Words: A Multilingual AI Checker

AI Text Detector

AI, Human or Mixed? We Can Tell You.

The Only AI Detector That Supports Most Languages

Detect AI Text

Analyze any text in any language to see if it's written by AI

0/5,000 charactersUPGRADE
* We don't store your text or use it to further train our model.

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Detect AI Generated Text or AI Assisted Text

Nexunom's AI text detector, Clumsy Words, doesn’t just check the origin of the text by running it against a trained AI detection model. It goes deeper by analyzing text structure, sentence and paragraph lengths and variations, use of typical AI-generated words, text formality, and more to detect if a text is genuinely written by a human or AI. If the text is AI-generated or AI-assisted, it also attempts to identify which parts are AI-generated and which are mixed AI/human-written or Human only.

Example AI Detection Analysis

Length Analysis

Calculate the standard deviation of sentence and paragraph lengths to check for the length uniformity which increases the AI score.

Example AI Detection Analysis

Typical AI Words

Check a big list of Typical AI words and their number of ocuuracnes through out the entire text to detect if AI is used to generated analyzed text.

Example AI Detection Analysis

Text Formality

Nexunom's AI detector also checks for sentence formality and the extent of use of passive voices and other signs to help in detection of AI generated content.

ai text highlighting

Highlighted Sentences

Nexunom's AI content detector highlights sections of your text that are likely AI-generated, as well as mixed content, using different colored highlights.

accurate ai detection model

Accurate Model

Nexunom's AI Text Detector model is trained to detect AI-generated text created by different LLM models, including ChatGPT, GPT-3, GPT-4, Gemini, etc.

text insights

Analysis Insights

We offer analytical insights for different parts of the text to help you understand why a segment is identified as AI-generated.


Caution: Even though our AI detector is good at detecting AI generated text, no AI text detector is 100% accurate. You should not rely solely on an AI detector to make decisions about someone's writing that might impact their reputation, career, or academic standing.

Supported Languages

Our Content Detector supports and can analyze most languages. Here is a list of the most used languages we support:
